Privacy Policy

"Nantou County Government Website" (hereinafter referred to as "this website") aims to ensure that you can safely use the services and information provided on this website. We hereby explain the privacy protection policy of this website to safeguard your rights. Please read the following content carefully:

1. Scope of Application of the Privacy Protection Policy 
The content of the privacy protection policy includes how this website handles the personal data collected when you use the website's services.
The privacy protection policy does not apply to related websites outside of this website, nor does it apply to personnel not entrusted or involved in the management of this website.

2. Data Collection and Usage Methods
To provide you with the best interactive services on this website, we may ask you to provide relevant personal data. The scope includes:
(1) Online activities and surveys: When you participate in online activities or surveys on the Nantou County Government website, we may ask you to provide personal information such as your name, ID number, phone number, email address, and address. Note that each activity or survey is an independent case, and the organizer may vary. However, this website will ensure that each case has an independent personal data notification form, which you must sign and agree to before continuing the activity or survey. When you exercise your rights, please contact the responsible authority as specified in the notification form. The personal information collected for these activities is stored in this website's database only for the purpose of conducting the activity. Information such as phone numbers, emails, and addresses are used for notification and analysis. This website will not use the data for other purposes without your consent, except as required by law. Additionally, to provide accurate services, we will statistically and analytically process the collected survey content. The statistical data or explanatory texts resulting from the analysis may be published as needed, while ensuring internal research purposes. You may also participate in promotions, competitions, or marketing activities hosted by other websites or organizations through links on this website. The personal information you voluntarily provide to these organizations or linked websites is subject to their individual privacy protection policies, which do not apply to this website's privacy protection policy.
(2) Newsletter subscription: If you wish to receive various convenient services and information from the city government via email, you must correctly enter your email address to ensure you receive the required information. We will retain the data you provide for operational needs and offer subscription cancellation or modification services.
(3) General browsing: The server will automatically record relevant behavior, including the IP address of the device you use to connect, usage time, browser used, browsing and click data, etc., as a reference for improving website services. This record is for internal use only and will never be published externally.
(4) Others: If you contact us by email or through other channels to provide feedback, we will also retain this communication and processing records.

3. Data Protection 
This website's hosts are equipped with firewalls, antivirus systems, and other relevant information security equipment and necessary security protection measures to protect the website and your personal data. Only authorized personnel can access your data, and all relevant personnel have signed confidentiality agreements. Those who violate confidentiality obligations will be subject to legal consequences.
If it is necessary to entrust relevant units of this government to provide services due to business needs, this website will also strictly require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and take necessary inspection procedures to ensure compliance.

4. Data Sharing and Disclosure
This website will not arbitrarily sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal data to other groups or individuals. Only under the following circumstances will this website share your personal data with third parties under the principles of this policy:
(1) To provide you with other services or benefits: When sharing your data with third parties that provide these services or benefits, this website will provide a full explanation during the activity and notify you before collecting the data. You can freely choose whether to accept the specific service or benefit.
(2) For service quality enhancement, evaluation, and research: To provide more accurate and high-quality services, this website may compare user data with third-party data under confidentiality agreements. Additionally, for introducing our services to future partners, advertisers, and other third parties for legal purposes, this website may disclose user statistical data in an anonymous form.
(3) Others: This website has an obligation to protect the privacy and personal data of its users and will not modify, delete, or provide any personal data or files without your consent, except in the following circumstances:
1. As required by legal procedures from judicial and investigative units of the Republic of China.
2. When your behavior on the website violates relevant regulations and causes threats.
3. For considerations to enhance the benefits of government website services.
4. To protect the legal rights of other users.

5. External Links on the Website 
The web pages of this website provide links to other websites. You can click on these links to enter other websites through this website. However, the linked websites do not apply to this website's privacy protection policy, and you must refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked websites.

6. Use of Cookies
To provide you with the best service, this website will place and access our cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can set the privacy level to high in your browser settings to refuse cookies, but this may cause some functions of the website to not work properly.

7. Revision of the Privacy Protection Policy 
This website's privacy protection policy will be revised as needed, and the revised terms will be posted on the website without further individual notification.

8. Privacy and Information Security Protection Policy Consultation
If you have any questions about our privacy protection policy or the collection, use, and update of your personal data, please contact the website maintenance agency during working hours.