As the Tomb-Sweeping Festival holiday approaches and coincides with the Dajia Mazu pilgrimage, it is expected that there will be a significant influx of people returning home for tomb-sweeping, traveling, and participating in the pilgrimage, leading to increased traffic around the Taichung High-Speed Rail (HSR) station. To ensure smooth traffic flow, the Wuri Precinct of the Taichung City Police Department has announced key traffic diversion measures for the Tomb-Sweeping Festival holiday. They urge residents of Taichung, Nantou, and Changhua to use alternative routes when accessing the Taichung HSR station to avoid traffic congestion. The precinct will also establish a "Smooth Traffic Center" to monitor the conditions of the roads around the HSR, Taiwan Railways station area, and Tunghai Commercial District using surveillance cameras. Police will be dispatched as needed to ensure smooth traffic flow.

The Wuri Precinct stated that based on past experience, the main route for vehicles accessing the Taichung HSR station area is via the Taichung HSR ramp on the Zhongzhang Expressway (Route 74). During peak traffic periods of the holiday, if congestion occurs on Route 74, it will lead to traffic jams on surrounding roads, including Section 3 of HSR Road, HSR East Road, and HSR Fifth Road. Additionally, the Tomb-Sweeping Festival coincides with the Dajia Mazu pilgrimage, which is expected to draw large crowds and traffic. Therefore, the public is encouraged to use public transportation such as Taiwan Railways, buses, and taxis to save valuable time.

The Wuri Precinct suggests that residents use alternative routes when driving to the Taichung HSR station. For residents of Nantou, it is recommended to take the Zhongtou Highway, exit at Huanhe Road in Wuri District, and then connect to Section 1 of HSR Road to access the station. For residents of Changhua, it is recommended to take National Highway 1, exit at Wangtian Interchange (or take the provincial road Dadu Bridge), and then connect to Zhongshan Road in Wuri District to access the station. For residents of Taichung, it is recommended to take Route 74 (Zhongzhang Expressway) or surrounding connecting roads, including Jianguo Road, Xuetian Road, and Zhongshan Road, to access the station.

To reduce congestion at the Taichung HSR station, it is suggested to use the plaza in front of the Xinwuri Railway Station. From the second floor of the station area, it is about a 200-meter walk to the Xinwuri Railway Station to avoid waiting.

Additionally, the public is reminded that in the passenger pickup and drop-off areas on the first and second floors of the Taichung HSR station, "illegal parking detection and enforcement equipment" has been installed. AI cameras are used to detect illegal parking, passenger pickup and drop-off, and solicitation around the clock, automatically capturing images of violations for fines. Cameras have also been installed in the taxi queue area on the first floor to record continuously to prevent illegal solicitation. People are advised not to park illegally or pick up/drop off passengers randomly to avoid fines.

